Why a A-board?

  • Looking for a working tool for your client?

Whether your client is in a café, hotel, restaurant, beauty salon (…) the stop sidewalk is the tool that allows him to challenge passersby to present its prices, its menu , his offer. Your client needs this tool, as long as he wears your image!

  • Looking for a product that will always be installed in the best place?

Because your customer needs it to present his offer, his prices, his menu, he will always post it at the best place! The stop sidewalk is installed on the path of the passer-by, which will be systematically challenged by your communication.

  • Looking for a product visible from afar for the outside?

The stopwalk can be placed outside a terrace, on a sidewalk or in a pedestrian street … it will be visible from afar by all passersby.

How to customize it?

Wooden A boardMetallic A boardA board cut in shape